We need more leaders
We are looking for more volunteers to help with running Raven Cubs from July 2025.
If you are interested in being a Cub leader, get in touch.
Welcome to the Raven Cub Pack. We meet on a Tuesday at 1st Garforth Scout Hut between 6:15pm – 7:30pm.
Here you’ll be able to find all of the documents we send out by email as well as some extra resources to help your Cub gains skills for life.
Learn the Lingo
Ravens – This is the name of our Cub pack that tells us apart from other Cub packs. We think that its best best Cub pack in the world.
Section – Scouting is made of sections; Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs Scouts, Explorers and Network.As a young person gets older they move into the next section.
Cub Scouts – Young people aged 8 to 10½ who try new things, make friends, are curious about the world around them and help others to make a difference.
Leader – The Adults in charge of young people. We are volunteers that are trained to make Ravens the best place for our Cubs to learn and stay safe.
Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling’s novel, The Jungle Book is ingrained into the traditions of Cubs. The leader in charge is called Akela, the wise leader of the wolf pack.
Pack – Cubs were originally called ‘Wolf Packs’ nowadays we just say Cub Pack to talk about our specific Cub group at 1st Garforth.
Sixes – At Cubs, we split our Cubs into smaller groups to run activities and games, we call these Sixes.
Sixers and Seconders – These are leadership roles for each six, the Sixer is in charge and the Seconder is second in command. They help leaders in activities and games and give our Cubs valuable leadership skills.
Necker – Cloth that is spun and put around your neck. At 1st Garforth it is yellow and green.
Woggle – A round piece of plastic/leather used to hold your necker together, its the same colour as your Six to show off what six you are in.
District – A district is what we call a collection of Scout Groups in an area. 1st Garforth is in the Leeds Templars District which covers, North-East Leeds, East Leeds and surrounding towns/villages.
Our Cubs Uniform consists of:
- Cubs Jumper
- Cubs Polo T-shirt
- Necker & Woggle – provided when you get invested
- Trousers/Shorts – not jeans
You can buy the Cub uniform from some local school uniform shops and the Official Scouts store.
There are some optional accessories like the the hat, poncho and backpack but we don’t require these.
Starter Pack
Download our starter pack which should tell you everything you need to know before you join Raven Cubs.
Rules, Policies and Procedures
How we do things and how we keep everyone safe and to ensure everyone has fun at Cubs.
These include not only official Scout UK rules but also the Pack rules that you must follow by being a member of Ravens Cub pack.
Accessibility and Additional Needs
We are committed to ensuring that our Cubs have access to all the resources they need to thrive in Cubs.
Whether it’s physical, neurodiverse or mental health needs, we understand and will work with you to help your Cub make the most of Scouting.
We know that when times are hard, finding the money for Scouting, camps and activities can be hard.
But we don’t think Scouting should be excluded from any Cub activity because of the cost.
Talking about money is hard but we can’t help if we don’t know! Chat to us if you are struggling – we have money set aside for this very reason.
Meet the Leaders

Jeanette Walker
Hi I’m Jeanette also known as Akela and I lead Raven Cubs.
I work in Inclusion and Diversity and have brought a lot of that with me to Cubs and Scouting. I also volunteer in Scouting at District – Leeds Templars to help other Scout Groups run a varied and fun programme to get young people their top awards!

Stephen Walker
I’m Stephen, my Jungle Book name is Baloo.
I also volunteer at District – Leeds Templars to support digital development and access to digital resources for other groups.
I think the name Akela suits Jeanettes as she is a great leader but like a wolf is very scary if you get on her bad side!
Investiture Ceremony
An investiture is a special ceremony we do to welcome new Cubs into our Cub Pack. At this point we will also provide your Cub with a necker, woggle, Pack name badges and district badge.
This normally happens after about 4 weeks of being in the Cub Pack – we’ll contact you close to the date to give you more details. We also invite our Parents and Guardians to come watch, take photos and be a part of their next big step in Scouting!
Badges and Placement
You’ll get a lot of badges with us at Cubs. We recommend sewing them onto your uniform – badge glue never lasts and you’ll only end up with lost badges and sticky spots.

You can learn more about all the different badges and where they go at the Scouts UK website.
Cubs and the Community
We are always on the lookout for more ways our Cubs can get involved in the community. If you are involved in any local groups, you are a member of a local community like a church or your have connections to the community through your job or business we’d love to hear from you.
We’d love to work with any local group to discuss projects we can do together. If you have any ideas or are a leader of a local community group please get in touch – even if you don’t have any ideas in mind. Scouting is all about making a difference and we believe there’s no better time than now for our Cubs to learn about what’s happening around them and how they can make an impact.
If you think your business can help with either providing materials or other support, please let us know as well and we will pass this on to the Scout Group or even the whole district to help as many young people as possible!
Projects can be small or large. Some ideas are:
- Creating a small allotment plot
- Cleaning a communal garden
- Help mend or paint a communal area
- Making birdhouses to go around Garforth