Microsoft Teams

Meet, Collaborate & Share

Teams, either you spend half your working life in it already, or you have no idea what I’m talking about.

Microsoft teams is a meeting and collaboration tool allowing you to chat, video call, share files and work on them together all in one place. It will either be something that becomes a key tool for how we meet, store and share files, or it’ll be something we use to have online meetings twice a year. I don’t know yet, but we have it so why not have a look, you might like it.

You can download the various clients here: Download Microsoft Teams Desktop and Mobile Apps
(If you get a choice you need the ‘work or school’ version not the ‘home’ version)

You can also access teams on a PC/Mac via the browser (although not everything will work in the website version) here:

For more information about what Teams is and what it can do check out this video:

A full YouTube playlist of videos on Teams can be found here: Getting Started with Microsoft Teams