Office 365

Online tools for a digital world

When you join the leadership team at 1st Garforth, you will be issued with an account for our Office 365 account, this will give you access to all (or most) of the tools that you may be familiar with from work to safely store data, email, collaborate and create cool stuff.

I know it’s tempting to dive straight into the apps, but the first time you access your account, its best to do it online via the website. You can directly access the website via the ‘Sign In’ menu above, or by going direct to:

By going to the website first you will be asked to reset your temporary password and setup any other security information needed.

For more information on some of the tools available to you, check out the dedicated pages below.

  • Email – Get started with your group email account in Outlook
  • Teams – Meet, collaborate and share files.
  • OneDrive – Personal file storage allowing you to keep all your scouting files securely in one place.
  • Office Online – Web based versions of familiar tools like Word, Excel and PowerPoint