Ravens Spring 2024

See everything to do with our Programme for Spring 2024

What have we got planned?

Allotment project

This term we have a project planned that will not only be good for the environment, but good for the community and for our Scout Hut.

We are planning to make a raised garden allotment patch that we can use to plant veggies and do future Science experiments in.
This will be made out of the wood from recycled pallets and if we have chance we will also try and make a house for Critters

Nature tracking

We will be looking at what insects, plants and birds we see around our Scout Hut and seeing how they change over the course of the term.

Personal Challenges

Each Cub will be thinking about different ways they can challenge themselves to improve their skills! They can do this on a Tuesday Evening at Cubs or they can look at ways they can challenge themselves outside of Cubs.

Electricity and Circuit Boards

We will be bringing in one of our amazing Raven Cub Pack friends that will be teaching the Cubs all about electricity, plugs and how to stay safe before making their own circuits.
We need Cubs to bring a 9V battery in for this evening.

Can I help?

Yes! If you or your business can help, we would welcome any help we can get!

We are looking for donations or to be able to borrow tools of any:

  • Pallets
  • Wood Glue
  • Drills or Hand drills
  • Hammers
  • Paint for Wood
  • Paint that works on Car tyres

We also need more Leaders. If you have any spare time and want to come help regularly or occasionally please let us know!
There are no obligations or strings attached about being a Leader, just let us know when and how you want to help.

Activities and Events

Pantomime – 5th Jan

We are going to see Robin Hood – Rock ‘n’ Roll at Leeds Varieties.
Booking Closed at the end of November.

Ice Hockey – 14th Jan

We will be watching Ice Hockey – Leeds Knights vs Bristol Bulls with lots over other people in Scouting across the District.

Family and Friends are coming along too!

Booking closed at the End of November

Bowling – 7th Feb

Instead our usual Tuesday night at the Scout Hut, we will be attending the Leeds Templars District Bowling competition with other Cubs and Scouts near us.

We will be asking for £5 for this evening.
Booking will open soon by deposit.

Cub Camp – 22nd-24th March

Our first camp this year will be Survival Themed!

Cubs will learn all about different types of fires, camouflage, first aid, cooking and lots more.

We will be asking for the deposit soon!


Remember to bring back your completed homework sheets so that Cubs can earn their Home Help, Global Issues and Personal Safety Badges.

They have already covered the rest of these badges in Autumn 2023!