Ravens 2024

A quick look of what we have planned for 2024 in one place

Planning ahead

Here you can find what we’ve got in store and other plans we have for 2024. We plan at least a term ahead so for every term you will get to see the programme for that term and any events as we find out about them!


In 2024 we will be digitising our backend systems and converting over to a different email system. While this might not seem much to our Parents/Guardians it will help Scout Leaders communication and change how we operate things for Cubs.

Our email address will change at the start of the Easter School holidays but our old email address will still be in use until the end of 2024.

You might have also noticed that now we have the new website we can easily edit and add information to on the fly. This should help with the ‘too long to read’ emails listing every event we plan on running! But don’t worry, this isn’t replacing emails, it will be done alongside so you can always find what you need on the website too.
We will still be using email as our primary form of communication with Parents/Guardians but if you can’t access emails we will find another way to keep in contact!

The Scout Group will also be trialling different options for the back-end systems we use to keep track of Cubs, badges, payments etc. We will let you know more when we find out about them but hopefully these will help to make tracking events, badges and payments a lot easier in the future.

Programme and Events

What’s happeningWhen
Raven Cubs go the to Pantomime!
Oh no we didn’t, oh yes we did. We are seeing the Robin Hood Rock n Roll panto at Leeds City Varieties
Booking is now closed.
5th January
Spring ProgrammeProvisionally:
9th January – 26th March
Half term week off: 13th Feb
Raven Cubs go to Ice hockey!
We have an amazing opportunity for our Cubs + families to see Leeds vs Bristol Ice Hockey with other Scouts from across the District.
Booking is now closed.
14th January
Raven Spring Cub Camp
Survival Camp

York Snowball
Plantation Scout Campsite
This camp will be an indoor camp with the opportunity for Cubs to stay outside in tents/bivouacs if they want.
It will be themed around survival so Cubs will learn about lot of traditional Scouting Skills like building different types of fires, how to cook outside and more. There will also be elements of first aid and more hidden fun stuff.
Deposits and Camp information will be released during/just after the Xmas Break.
We will be asking for Parent help for this camp whether you already have Scouting skills you want to share or want to learn alongside the Cubs!
22-24 March
Summer Programme22nd April – 22nd July
Half term week off: 27th May
1st Garforth Group Camp
Watersports Camp

Aldwark Scout Activity Centre
This camp will be focused on water sport activities including Kayaking, Canoeing, river cruises, raft building and races. There will also be activities on dry land including climbing, bouldering crafts archery and more.
Please confirm attendance by 24th March.
10th-12th May
Raven Summer Cub Camp – District
District Adventure Camp
Bramhope Scout Campsite
This will be an outdoor tent camp with lots of different; Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers from across the Scout District.
This is a great opportunity to make friends with Scouts from outside of Garforth and do lots of activities they may not normally have the chance to do.
This camp is organised by District (both Jeanette and Stephen have District Roles) and more details will be released closer to the time!
5 – 7 July
Autumn ProgrammeProvisionally:
5th September – 22nd October
5th November – 17th December
Cubs Theme Park Sleepover
District Cubs Sleepover
Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park
Events page
We are attending the sleepover in a theme park with other Cub sections in the District. Cubs will be open for the ride
This is being organised by Stephen more details will be released closer to the time.
28th-29th – September